JBANC’s Twelfth Baltic Conference – May 19-20, 2017
Friday, May 19, 2017 10:00 – 1:00 PM — Informational meetings in Congress1:00 – 3:00 PM — Congressional Briefing (Location: 419 Dirksen Senate Office Building) 6:00 – 8:00 PM — Evening Reception Continue Reading
Remarks before Helsinki Commission – “Baltic Security After the Warsaw NATO Summit”
The following remarks were given on December 7, 2016, at a briefing by the Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE, better known as the Helsinki Commission). Other experts who spoke at the hearing were Michael Johnson, Senior Defense Analyst at the RAND Corporation, and Magnus Nordenman, Director ofContinue Reading
CEEC Reaffirms Need for Strong U.S. Leadership in Europe
The Central and East European Coalition (CEEC), representing more than 20 million Central and Eastern European Americans, strongly backs the United States’ continued unconditional commitment to upholding the NATO Treaty as well as U.S. support for the territorial integrity and sovereignty of all Central and Eastern European nations. Our organizationContinue Reading
JBANC Statement on the Anniversary of the 1944 Crimean Tatar Deportation
On May 18, the Joint Baltic American National Committee, Inc. (JBANC) and Americans of Estonian, Latvian, and Lithuanian heritage, stand alongside the Crimean Tatar people in remembering their deportations to Central Asia in 1944. These events are particularly important to recall in the midst of new persecutions of the nativeContinue Reading
CEEC Hosts Successful Policy Forum on NATO
The Central and East European Coalition (CEEC) hosted a timely and substantive event on Wednesday, April 19, to discuss the topic “NATO Stance on Russia: Vision or Reaction?” The keynote speaker was Dr. Michael Carpenter, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense with responsibility for Russia, Ukraine, and Eurasia, who gave theContinue Reading
JBANC 2015 Conference – Estonian President, Toomas Hendrik Ilves
Estonian President Toomas Hendrik Ilves talks about the contributions of the Baltic diaspora and current issues affecting the region including NATO obligations and defence spending.Continue Reading