(Washington, DC) — It is time for the United States and NATO to increase their support to help Ukraine. The Central East European Coalition (CEEC) welcomes the additional provisions of military, humanitarian, and economic assistance to help Ukraine as now being provided in the nearly $14 billion package passed by Congress and signed into law by President Biden. This will help immensely in helping Ukraine to continue to stand on its own against the terrible Russian invasion destruction of Ukraine, which the whole world is witnessing. Yesterday’s announcement at the NATO Summit on providing additional support to Ukraine is also another step in securing Ukraine’s sovereignty and independence.
But more can be and should be done. It is time for the United States and NATO to stand fast by the values of the free world and elevate support for Ukraine.
Targeting civilians, residential buildings, or maternity and children’s hospitals, as perpetrated in numerous Russian attacks cannot continue. Attacks against non-military government complexes, critical infrastructure, such as nuclear power plants, by Russian forces have been and will continue to add to even higher death tolls. The Putin regime’s unabated attacks on civilian areas must be stopped, as must be their invasion of a sovereign, independent nation.
With nearly four million Ukrainians having fled their country, and millions more expected to flee the wrath of Putin, we need to do all we can to stem this humanitarian catastrophe.
Considering the brutal and immoral targeting of civilians in their bloody, premeditated, and unprovoked war against Ukraine, we urge the Biden administration and NATO allies to expeditiously provide for secure humanitarian corridors with international protection. The United States must support game-changing initiatives, such as the transfer of jet fighters to Ukraine. The overwhelming response by the international community to condemn, sanction, and boycott Russia is unprecedented. The growing level of military assistance to Ukraine, to help it defend itself, is encouraging. We need to help prevent more devastation and destruction. The CEEC supports efforts to continue to help Ukrainians defend themselves.
The Central East European Coalition (CEEC) is comprised of 18 national membership organizations that represent more than 22 million Americans of Central and Eastern European (CEE) descent. Our constituents have both a vested interest in supporting Ukraine and her freedom fighters, but also supporting peace and security within the CEE region and our transatlantic partners and allies.
American Hungarian Federation • American Latvian Association in the U.S. • Armenian Assembly of America • Belarusian-American Association • Bulgarian Institute for Research and Analysis • Congress of Romanian Americans • Washington Chapter Czechoslovak National Council of America • Estonian American National Council • Georgian Association in the USA • Hungarian American Coalition • Joint Baltic American National Committee • Lithuanian American Council • Lithuanian American Community • National Federation of American Hungarians • Polish American Congress • Slovak League of America • Ukrainian Congress Committee of America • Ukrainian National Association
ceecadvocacy.org | c/o Polish American Congress, 1612 K Street NW Suite 1200, Washington, DC 20006